Data structures

PVSS is a protocol between multiple parties who must exchange a number of messages. Those messages are DER encoded ASN.1 structures. This format was chosen because it’s well defined and has little overhead. Also, the zero knowledge proofs require computation of a cryptographic hash. The input to the hash function needs to be deterministic.

The contents of the messages can be accessed using any standard ASN.1 tools, e.g.:

$ dumpasn1 -ade message
$ openssl asn1parse -inform der -in message

Message sizes

For the Ristretto255 group, typical message sizes are:

  • Secret: 36 Bytes.

  • PreGroupValue: (up to) 34 Bytes.

  • ImgGroupValue: 34 Bytes.

  • SystemParameters: 18 Bytes.

  • PrivateKey: (up to) 36 Bytes.

  • PublicKey: 72 + |name| Bytes.

  • SharedSecret: (up to) 44 + 34t + 106n + |names| Bytes.

  • ReencryptedShare: (up to) 279 Bytes.

For the qr_mod_p group, the size depends on the safe prime. With a 4096 bit prime, the messages are about 12-16 times as large.

Object Identifiers

Prefix: (





ASN.1 module


Image groups


qr_mod_p: Quadratic residues in multiplicative group modulo safe prime p



ASN.1 module

PVSS-Module {
    iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1)
    heissler-informatik(55040) floss(1) pvss(0) id-mod-pvss(0)


    iso(1) org(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1)
    heissler-informatik(55040) floss(1) pvss(0)

id-alg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-pvss 1 }

-- A pre group value
PreGroupValue ::= INTEGER

-- An image group value; type depends on the algorithm
ImgGroupValue ::= CHOICE {
    qrValue                 INTEGER,
    ecPoint                 OCTET STRING

-- System parameters, e.g. the mathematical group
SystemParameters ::= SEQUENCE {
    algorithm               OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
    parameters              ANY DEFINED BY algorithm

id-alg-qr OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-alg 0 }
SystemParametersQr ::=      INTEGER

id-alg-rst255 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { id-alg 1 }
SystemParametersRst255 ::=  NULL

-- A user's public key
PublicKey ::= SEQUENCE {
    name                    UTF8String,
    pub0                    ImgGroupValue,
    pub1                    ImgGroupValue

-- A user's private key
PrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
    priv                    PreGroupValue

-- Secret that is split and reconstructed
Secret ::= SEQUENCE {
    secret                  ImgGroupValue

-- Per user values of SharedSecret
Share ::= SEQUENCE {
    pub                     UTF8String,
    share                   ImgGroupValue,
    responseF0              PreGroupValue,
    responseF1              PreGroupValue

-- Sequence of per user values of SharedSecret
Shares ::= SEQUENCE OF Share

-- Commitments for polynomial coefficients
Coefficients ::= SEQUENCE OF ImgGroupValue

-- Shares of the secret
SharedSecret ::= SEQUENCE {
    shares                  Shares,
    coefficients            Coefficients,
    challenge               OCTET STRING

-- Per user hash input, used for SharesChallenge
HashInputUser ::= SEQUENCE {
    pub                     PublicKey,
    commitment              ImgGroupValue,
    randomCommitment        ImgGroupValue,
    share                   ImgGroupValue,
    randomShare             ImgGroupValue

-- Sequence of per user hash input, used for SharesChallenge
HashInputUsers ::= SEQUENCE OF HashInputUser

-- Input to hash function, results in SharedSecret.challenge
SharesChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
    parameters              SystemParameters,
    coefficients            Coefficients,
    users                   HashInputUsers

-- Sequence of all public keys, used for ReencryptedChallenge
PublicKeys ::= SEQUENCE OF PublicKey

-- Input to hash function, results in ReencryptedShare.challenge
ReencryptedChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
    parameters              SystemParameters,
    publicKeys              PublicKeys,
    shares                  SharedSecret,
    receiverPublicKey       PublicKey,
    randPub                 ImgGroupValue,
    randShare               ImgGroupValue,
    randElgA                ImgGroupValue,
    randId                  ImgGroupValue

-- User's share after re-encryption
ReencryptedShare ::= SEQUENCE {
    idx                     INTEGER,
    elgA                    ImgGroupValue,
    elgB                    ImgGroupValue,
    responsePriv            PreGroupValue,
    responseV0              PreGroupValue,
    responseV1              PreGroupValue,
    responseW0              PreGroupValue,
    responseW1              PreGroupValue,
    challenge               OCTET STRING

-- Allows auto detection of a message's purpose
PvssContainer ::= CHOICE {
    parameters              [0]  SystemParameters,
    privKey                 [1]  PrivateKey,
    userPub                 [2]  PublicKey,
    recvPub                 [3]  PublicKey,
    sharedSecret            [4]  SharedSecret,
    reencryptedShare        [5]  ReencryptedShare


Examples for Qr

SystemParameters for Qr, p=3395894518307:
30 16
   06 0c  2b 06 01 04 01 83 ae 00 01 00 01 00
   02 06  03 16 ab 16 22 23
PrivateKey (Qr):
30 08
   02 06  01 73 bf 82 ee c5
PublicKey (Qr):
30 1f
   0c 0e  4a c3 b6 72 6e 20 48 65 69 73 73 6c 65 72
   02 06  00 c6 f6 e4 2a e5
   02 05  52 ba c7 b3 5d

Examples for Ristretto255

SystemParameters for Rst255, always the same:
30 10
   06 0c  2b 06 01 04 01 83 ae 00 01 00 01 01
   05 00
PrivateKey (rst255):
30 21
   02 1f  75 84 4f 25 73 27 05 32 4d ac fe 1f ed f8 5f a9
          88 d0 9b 32 ab 32 e4 72 3e d4 f1 18 f0 3d 9a
PublicKey (rst255):
30 54
   0c 0e  4a c3 b6 72 6e 20 48 65 69 73 73 6c 65 72
   04 20  ba 50 ea 13 2a a6 ae cc d1 24 55 20 b0 12 82 66
          da ab 14 94 06 b8 62 f1 fc a7 2d 3f 0c 21 6f 31
   04 20  6e a8 f7 6b 11 85 65 8a 36 a2 49 26 34 75 5d 1d
          1b 8a 38 b2 7d 8f 42 80 be 2e 0a 97 4e 53 22 17